
Classic Land Cruiser Recruited For Cross-Continental Expedition


When it comes to crossing continents, a Toyota Land Cruiser is just the vehicle you need to deal with whatever the landscape or weather might throw at you. The fact that it might be more than 20 years old need be no handicap, as a brave team is ready to prove on a marathon fund-raising expedition.

They have restored a 1993-vintage Land Cruiser to carry them on the journey that will cover more than 4,600 miles and cross 17 different countries en route from Afghanistan to England. They will set out from Kabul with the aim of reaching the Goodwood racetrack in Sussex around three weeks later.

Toyota is supporting their challenge and will be covering their exploits with regular reports, pictures and film footage on its official UK blog.

Leading the expedition is Chris Short, an ex-marine who wanted to make a symbolic journey to encourage other veterans in their readjustment to civilian life. Chris, who will cover the distance on an all-terrain motorbike, is joined by Domenic Senger-Schenk at the wheel of the Land Cruiser, which be loaded with supplies and spares. Film maker Laurence Cameron completes the crew and will be recording the adventure for a television documentary.

The trip has been organised and funded by Shoresec Racing, enabling all funds raised to be given to Mission Motorsport, a charity that helps in the recovery and rehabilitation of ex-service personnel through motor racing.

Scott Brownlee, General Manager Press Relations and Social Media, said: “Car brands often talk about adventure, but this is a properly epic and inspiring journey that we are sure will provide great images and stories for the readers of our blog, and bring in funds for a worthy cause. Given Land Cruiser’s unmatched reputation as the ‘indestructible’ 4×4, we’re sure they’ve chosen the best vehicle for the daunting journey ahead.”

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